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Stable Supplies

Stable supplies that are useful to have on hand in your barn and how to use them

What’s a normal temperature for a horse, and how do I take it?

From; By Ben Espy, DVM, DACT

For an adult horse, any body temperature at or below 101.5 F (38.6 C) is considered normal. Just like humans, equines thermoregulate, which means their bodies maintain a constant internal temperature, regardless of the temperature of the surrounding environment. Individual horses’ normal temperatures may vary, but we only worry about them getting too low when horses are sick enough to be in circulatory or septic shock. In horses that appear healthy otherwise, there’s no such thing as a temperature that’s too low. 

Readings above 101.5 degrees, on the other hand, are cause for concern. Strenuous exercise can raise your horse’s body temperature by a few degrees, but that should return to normal within 90 minutes of finishing the exercise. If it remains elevated for longer than that, he may be dealing with an underlying illness or he may suffer from anhidrosis, a condition in which horses lose the ability to cool themselves by sweating. 

Temperature-taking is vital for good equine husbandry, so all horses should learn to stand quietly for the procedure from an early age. It is completely painless, and almost all horses tolerate it easily. However, it can be extremely dangerous for the human handler to -attempt doing it with an uncooperative horse, such as a misbehaving -yearling. When in doubt, ask one or more experienced horsepeople to help you get the job done. 

To measure your horse’s temperature, use a plastic or digital “oral” or “rectal” thermometer. Oral and rectal thermometers are essentially the same thing. Digital thermometers are safer (harder to break and mercury-free) than glass ones, and so much faster that you don’t need to resort to the old, occasionally unreliable method of clipping the thermometer to the horse’s tail while you wait for the temperature to register. The least expensive models read in about 30 seconds, whereas slightly more expensive models read within 10 seconds. 

Take a baseline reading at a time when your horse is relaxed, such as during a meal. If he is young, does not stand tied or you don’t know him well, ask a friend to hold him while you take his temperature. If you are on your own, tie him up. (Holding his lead rope while taking his temperature makes it too easy for him to spin in a circle to avoid you.) 

Stand next to your horse’s hind leg, facing the direction of his tail, close enough for your shoulder or side to be in contact with him so you’ll sense any -motion in his body if he begins to get antsy. If you are right-handed, stand on his left side, with the thermometer in your right hand; if you’re left-handed, stand on his right side, with the thermometer in your left hand. Throughout the procedure, be careful not to turn your body to face his leg, as this puts you in a very vulnerable position—your knees won’t be free to bend if he kicks or moves suddenly in your direction. 

Next, place your arm closest to the horse across his croup and gently grasp the top of his tail in your hand. Raise it up high enough to give your other hand access to the anus. If your horse is young or you’re not sure how he -reacts to thermometers, gently touch the skin around the outside of the anus with the thermometer before inserting it. This will help to accustom him to the feel of it. Then guide the end of the thermometer into the rectum, pressing it several inches inside, leaving the digital screen outside the body so you can see it while it registers the temperature. 

Continue holding the tail and the end of the thermometer firmly until the final reading is clear (consult the manual that comes with the thermometer ahead of time to see exactly how your particular brand indicates this). Then gently remove the thermometer and double-check the reading. 

Use this baseline temperature for comparison when your horse shows signs of stress or illness. If his temperature goes above normal, consult your veterinarian. In some cases, depending on the cause of the fever, your vet may be able to prescribe a fever-reducing medication, such as Banamine or phenylbutazone (bute), over the phone. However, because spiking a temperature of 105 degrees or higher, whether due to exercise or illness, can lead to serious secondary problems, such as laminitis or colitis, immediate veterinary care is recommended. (Note: Like human children, foals have slightly higher normal and febrile temperatures than adults. Their baseline temperatures can run up to about 102 degrees, and they can spike fevers as high as 106.) 

Meanwhile, keep your horse up-to-date on his vaccinations for influenza (flu) and equine herpesvirus, also known as rhinopneumonitis or “rhino,” especially if you trailer him to lessons and competitions frequently. Flu/rhino viruses are the number-one cause of elevated temperatures in adult horses. 

horse digital rectal thermometer

  • Large animal rectal digital thermometer, degree Celsius (Temperature Range 32-42).
  • Total length 9 in long, rounded tip. 5 in long probe, 5 mm diameter.
  • Wide and easy to read display window.
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    almedic penlight 2

    Necessary for checking eyes and color of horse's gums in dim light settings. Handy pocket light with battery


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    A few short videos from Horse Side Vet Guide showing how to assess a horses "color" and "cap refill time" Check the normal color of your horses gums, and how they feel, and practice getting a capillary refill time. This is good information to be able to communicate to your veterinarian. Pale, dark red, or dry and tacky gums are abnormal.



    Excellent for monitoring gut sounds, normal and abnormal as well as listening to the heart to obtain a heart rate.

    Double headed with aluminum chestpiece

    • Double head Stethoscope with aluminum chestpiece in cardboard box.
    • Lightweight, comfortable, and durable, this stethoscope comes with a sensitive aluminum chestpiece that provides clear acoustics and high frequency sounds
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    Gut sounds can be evaluated by placing the stethoscope on the upper flank and lower flank, and listening for approximately one minute. in each location on both sides.  Listen to your horse when they are healthy, so you know what normal is. If your horse is coliky, the temperature, pulse, respiration and presence or absence of gut sounds can be relayed  to your vet

    Lister Bandage Scissors

    lister bandage scissors

    Stainless Steel economy bandage scissor 5.5""

    The flat blunt end is introduced below the bandage, and it glides above the skin to help prevent accidental damage or cutting of the horses skin while cutting the bandage. 

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    Hoof Pick

    hoof pick

    • Metal
    • Blunt point
    • 5 1/2"
    • Assorted colors
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    Examination Gloves

    examination gloves

    • Exceptional puncture resistance, tensile strength and enhanced cross-protection against pathogens, chemicals and solvents.
    • Significantly decrease allergic reactions with 100% non-latex nitrile gloves made to reduce risks of allergic reactions.
    • Quick and easy donning ambidextrous gloves with a superior degree of stretch ability and low powder levels enabling and effortless fit.
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    Bot Knife

    Bot Knife

    Currently unavailable but will leave this valuable information here!

    I deworm my horse, why should I worry about removing the eggs, the dewormer will kill them.

    The adult bot fly lays eggs on your horse hair. When your horse licks or chews the area, the eggs are stimulated to hatch. They can be ingested or they can wander through your horses mouth and bury themselves in the tongue, gums or lining of the mouth. After about a month they move to the stomach where they use their hook like mouthparts to attach to its lining. They stay there for up to a year before they are passed with the manure where they finish their development into adult bot flies.

    Bots generally do not cause major health problems unless their numbers are very high.  The larvae can cause damage and irritation in the mouth and the stomach before the dewormer is given. Large numbers of bots can cause blockages and colic.

    Control of bots involves removing manure, topical insecticides during egg laying season, and appropriate dewormers a month after the bot eggs appear and again in the fall.

    Yellow Bot eggs
    Bots in the horses stomach from:

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