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Horse Liniments


Can my horse benefit from liniments during the grooming process? 

 Probably!  There are definitely a few things to know about liniment in the meantime.  Liniment is the general term for a lotion, potion, or topical application designed to relieve pain. Liniments are soothing or counter-irritating.  Liniments that are counter-irritating work by irritating the skin so that the capillaries and superficial vessels are opened, thus allowing more blood flow and warmth/heat to the area.  

 Liniments can be great in helping with muscle soreness, chronic (long term) issues your horse may have in his joints, and even bug bites.  Some liniments are even good for adding a bit of shine to your horse’s coat, in addition to their warming properties.  

Typically, you would apply a liniment to your horse after exercise.  Liniments come in many forms, like sprays, lotions, and even thicker ointments.  Spray liniments are the easiest to use, point and go!  With lotions and ointments you will definitely want to rub them in to your horse’s muscles.  This doubles as a nice massage after work.  If you are using liniments on your horse’s tendons below the hock and/or knee, you can use a quilt and a standing wrap over the liniment if need be.  Some liniments can be sponged on, these are great to combine with a rinse off after exercise. 

A few more things to know about liniments.  Many of them contain substances that will test positive under USEF guidelines when given intravenously, intramuscularly, sub cutaneously, and also orally.  Camphor, oil of rosemary, and oil of thyme are all examples of such ingredients.  But, you are using a liniment on your horse’s skin, so there is usually no association of a positive test result with topical use.  The exception is capsaicin and closely related analogues (eg. Capsicum Oleoresin), a counter irritant that is prohibited for use topically within seven days of an event under USEF rules and regulations.  

 You should also consult your Veterinarian if your horse has a new or acute injury.  Generally speaking, new injuries are better treated with ice, save the heat producing liniments for chronic conditions and muscle soreness.  When in doubt, ask your Veterinarian!  

Absorbine Linament

absorbine veterinary liniment

Absorbine Power Gel

Absorbine Power Gel

 Shin Band

shin band liniment

 Mineral Ice

mineral ice liniment

Please click on the desired product to take you to the online stores page. Information and purchasing is now presented at Equestrian Life Market

McTarnahans Green Cool Gel

McTarnahans Green Cool Gel

McTarnahans Blue Lotion

McTarnahans Blue Lotion

Blue Sport Lotion

blue sport lotion liniment

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